Crafts to do with pineapples

Hello everybody! In today's article we will see various crafts to make easily with pineapples. It is easy to find this material since many of us have it in our gardens, lands or simply walking around the countryside.

Do you want to see what crafts are these?

Pineapple Craft # 1: Easy Owl

In addition to being very easy to make, this owl is very nice to decorate any shelf or even to put a string on it and hang it on the Christmas tree.

You can see how to make this craft step by step by following the link below: Easy owl with pineapple

Pineapple Craft # 2: Easy Hedgehog

This hedgehog is similar to the previous craft, but even faster and easier to do.

You can see how to make this craft step by step by following the link below: Hedgehog made with a pineapple

Pineapple Craft Number 3: Christmas Centerpiece

These centers using pineapples are perfect to decorate our homes on these dates.

You can see how to make this craft step by step by following the link below: Christmas centerpiece

Pineapple Craft Number 4: Snowy Pineapples

These pinecones are perfect to make decorations of many types for Christmas.

You can see how to make this craft step by step by following the link below:

Pineapple Craft Number 5: Pineapple Christmas Tree

This craft is perfect to decorate our shelves during the Christmas season. Without a doubt, a good way to spend an entertaining afternoon with the little ones and to decorate.

You can see how to make this craft step by step by following the link below:

And ready! We have different options to be able to make with pineapples that we can easily find during these months.

I hope you cheer up and do some of these crafts.

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