Crafts with corks to do with children


Hello everybody! In today's article we will see various crafts using corks to do with children. These crafts are perfect to do in any free time we have and then they can be left in their room to decorate or to play at some point. They are also a perfect option for the little ones in the house to make a detail for a family member or friend.

Do you want to see which are these crafts that we propose?

Cork Craft Number 1: Easy Cork Owl

This funny owl is very simple to make, so all family members can get down to the craft.

You can see how to do this craft step by step by following the link below: Owl with corks

Cork Craft #2: Simple Cork Horse

This horse is very easy to make and it is certainly a great craft for children to play with or to decorate their bookshelves.

You can see how to do this craft step by step by following the link below: Easy horse with corks and wool

Cork Craft #3: Cork Slice Snake

For reptile lovers, this will be the perfect cork craft. In addition, it is very simple to make and is articulated.

You can see how to do this craft step by step by following the link below: Snake with corks

Cork Craft Number 4: Floating Boat

How about we make a craft that can be used in the bathroom? Ready for boarding?

You can see how to do this craft step by step by following the link below: Boat that floats with corks and eva rubber

And ready!

I hope you cheer up and do some of these crafts.

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