If you are a little tired of vases habitual and you need an original idea to decorate the home, because here you have a very good idea that are the greenhouse plants. It is clear that not all plants are designed to be placed in a closed environment, but nevertheless, you have a good variety to choose from: Peperomia, Ficus pumila, maidenhair, moss, Dieffenbachia, Saintpaulia, kalanchoe and ferns of all kinds.
What you need to do is find a glass container that is suitable for your home, depending on the decoration. You can use jars, pots, small bottles, the displays where you put the candy or the aquarium bulbs.
What you will have to do is configure the inside of the floor of the pot, with flowers and other materials, so if the mouth of the glass container is close you should place a funnel, which can be easily obtained from a sheet of cardboard, also a pointed stick, and a stick with an iron ring at the end.
The first thing to do is start filling the container or pot, first with a few handfuls of soil, then with enriched soil that you can buy in nursery, and finally, pour a good amount of soil. Insert the end of the stick to level the ground so it is even.
Once this is done, remove the stick to later insert the selected plants. Now you need concentration and a steady hand: put your flowers into the ring at the end of the stick and insert it into the bowl, being careful not to damage it. Once the plants are placed in the appropriate holes, reuse the stick with a cork at the end (to avoid causing damage) to better secure.
After that, you should proceed to watering plants, sliding a thread of water and without exaggerating in the amount. Well that's it. All you need to do is add a little water (a few drops is enough) and remove the dry leaves with tweezers or your fingers.
They can also be closed if the container has a lid, when there is fog to let the water vapor out. Put them in a bright place but not exposed to sunlight.
More information - Recycled vases
Source - waybricolage.net