Crepe paper butterflies on a cardboard tree

Crafts to do with kids

This craft is purely focused on doing it with and for children. It is a very simple craft, which in turn, will be very didactic to test skills such as patience, dexterity or originality. It can be done little by little, at the rhythm of each one, and obviously they can be played with other colors or for the infant himself to propose them to feel this craft more his own. So without further ado, I show you how to make a cardboard tree with crepe paper butterflies!

materials to make easy crafts for kids


  • Crepe paper
  • Thick green fabric
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Cutter
  • Sewing thread
  • Instant glue (cyanoacrylate)


process for making butterflies with crepe paper

  1. Cut 4 pieces of crepe paper (2 of each color) as you see in the first image.
  2. Make the folds, like those that are made with paper for "improvised fans." Later, join them with the sewing thread, and spread the wings of the butterfly. The upper part, I did not extend it too much, however the other one did, to give a more irregular effect. Do both for a style.

process to make a cardboard tree

  1. Cut with the scissors (or the cutter, but don't leave it to the child of course) the way you see the cardboard in the first image. Cut the center of the tree base and the other second base to join them later.
  2. Cut out the leaves from the thick green cloth which we will then hook to the tree.
  3. You can choose between more separated or not, that already to taste. In my case, I did it both ways to make the difference more visual.

butterflies with cardboard tree, craft ideas for kids

Finally, join the two cardboard bases, and tie the butterflies to the tree, and it will be ready!

I hope you have, and above all, enjoyed this craft!

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