Decorating the Christmas tree, part 2

decorate the christmas tree

Hello everyone! In today's article, we bring you the second part of this series of Crafts to decorate the Christmas tree. I hope you are ready to continue decorating our tree.

Do you want to know what these crafts are?

Christmas Tree Decorating Craft Number 1: Elegant Christmas Tree Ornaments

Christmas decorations

Christmas trees can be decorated in a thousand ways, one of which is betting on the same color or type of decoration around the entire tree. In that sense, these ornaments that we propose are perfect.

You can do the step by step of this craft following the instructions of the link that we leave you below: How to make fancy Christmas ornaments

Craft to decorate the Christmas tree number 2: Bag to hang at Christmas

christmas tree ornament

Another option is to put different colored figures and varied shapes, such as this Santa Claus sack, so curious and easy to make.

You can do the step by step of this craft following the instructions of the link that we leave you below: Sack-shaped Christmas ornament

Craft to decorate the Christmas tree number 3: Easy and quick Christmas ornament to do with children.

Crafts to decorate the Christmas tree

This ornament, in addition to being very beautiful, is very easy to make, so we can do it with the little ones in the house.

You can do the step by step of this craft following the instructions of the link that we leave you below: Christmas ornament made in five minutes

Craft to decorate the Christmas tree number 4: Clay ornaments

Christmas decorations with clay

Here again we have another option of ornaments that go together, although this time the material unites them, not the shape that we give them.

You can do the step by step of this craft following the instructions of the link that we leave you below: Christmas decorations with clay

And ready! We already have different crafts to do as a family during December afternoons together with a good cup of hot chocolate.

I hope you cheer up and do some of these crafts.

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