Decorated wooden boxes

Decoration of wooden boxes

Are you one of those people who like to have everything well stored? Well, if you have many wooden boxes or small simple boxes that they need a good decoration, here you have a good example to do them.

These decorative wooden boxes are great as a jeweler, you keep the letters of your loved one, etc. All a utility but with its own design.


  • Wooden boxes.
  • Fine sandpaper.
  • Burin of medium or small size.
  • Paint for wood of different shades and colors.
  • Brushes.
  • Water-based varnish.
  • Pencil.


  1. Sand the whole box.
  2. Paint the box the color that you like the most. Let it dry and give it another coat and stop drying again.
  3. conduct a sketch in the box.
  4. With the white paint and the burin, make dots following the sketch line.
  5. Cover the whole box in 4 shades with the same technique.
  6. Lastly, varnish.

More information - Doll beds made with fruit boxes

Source - Home Crafts

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