Decoration for the front door for Halloween

Entrance decoration for Halloween

One week for the Halloween's night we need an impressive decoration to surprise our guests as soon as they arrive home. So, today we present you this very easy craft to do with common and common materials from around the house.

With this dead witch at the door of the house we will give much more fear in our home and, for the clueless, it will be a great scare to death, especially for the children who come asking Marshmallow from house to house.


  • Doormat.
  • Striped stockings.
  • Heeled shoes or boots.
  • Newspapers


Firstly, we will fill the stockings with the newspaperThis way we will give them relief so that they look like real legs.

We will put these under the doormat So that, in this way, the guests believe that it has fallen, that it has died or that it is under the same doormat and as soon as we wait it will scare us.

Finally, in the feet of these stockings we will put some heels or high-heeled boots to give it much more realism as if it were a real witch.

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