Hello everybody! In the craft of I go, we will see how decorate pencils or wood paintings. It is very simple to do and we can spend a very entertaining little time young and old.
Do you want to see how to do it?
Materials that we will need to decorate our pens
- Pens, paints or whatever we want to decorate.
- Wool, fat yarn, to make pompoms
- tenedor
- Scissors
- Glue
Hands on craft
- The first thing we are going to make as many pompoms as pens we want to decorate. To make these pompoms we are going to follow the technique of mini pompoms made with a fork. Make each pompom in different colors to create different decorations. You can see how to do them in the following link: We make mini pompoms with the help of a fork
- We put glue on the tip of the end of the pen and we glue the pompom with the knot straps down.
- We apply a little more glue to the top of the pen and we are rolling the pompom strips in the upper part, as tight as possible.
- Now let's cover a third of the pencil with string or string, making sure that it sticks well and gripping it well. You can put the same color of the pompom or another, to your liking. Another option is to put the rope tightly at the end of the pencil and as you advance, open the turns more so that there is a kind of spiral instead of a coil.
- The rest of the pencil can be painted with tempera.
- If we want to decorate several colored pencils, we can put the pompoms in a color similar to that of the pencilThus, by leaving them in a pencil cup, it will be easier for us to choose the color we want. Besides that they are very original in the cup.
And ready! We already have our decorated pens or paintings, now we only have to use them to make a drawing, decorate mandalas or whatever comes to mind.
I hope you cheer up and do this craft. And remember #yomequedoencasa.