Hello everybody! In today's craft we are going to make a decorative ball with Chinese paper. It is perfect to decorate our walls, make garlands or, if we make them small, to decorate drinks such as cocktails. You will see that it is very easy to do as soon as you know the trick and you can do as many as you want in a moment.
Do you want to see how you can do them?
Materials that we will need to make our decorative ball with china paper
- Chinese paper of the color that we like, or of several colors if your intention is to make a garland.
- Scissors
- Cardboard
- Pencil
- Glue stick
- Hot silicone
Hands on craft
- The first thing we are going to do is make a guide or template to be able to do this type of decoration. For this we are going to make a circle on a sheet of paper and we are going to make that same size of a circle on cardboard. The latter we will cut and reserve. In the circle on the folio we are going to draw different lines with a separation of approximately 1,5 cm depending on the size of the circle. We will raise and lower these lines beyond the circle, to be able to see the lines without problem later. We will give the even lines the number 1 and the odd lines the number 2.
- We cut between 6 and 8 squares of Chinese paper that are approximately the diameter of the circle.
- We will glue these squares together, putting them on top of the template. We put a square and apply glue following the 1 or even lines, we put another square of paper on top, we press so that they stick and we put glue following the 2 or odd lines. We will repeat this process alternating the gluing lines until we finish with the squares of papers.
- We take the cardboard circle, fold it in half to mark it, unfold and glue on top of the squares of paper trying to match the circle on the template.
- We cut all the excess Chinese paper and cut the circle in the marked half.
- We glued both halves by applying glue to the faces of the china paper.
- We put silicone on the straight edge and once dry we unfold and glue the cardboard part. This would be the time to pass a string through the cardboard parts before gluing them, to make a hanging ornament or a garland, you can also pass a straw for a drink or whatever comes to mind.
And ready!
I hope you cheer up and do this craft.