Decorative cardboard letters with strings

This craft is very simple and you can do it with school-age children. In this craft, we teach you to make only one letter with this method, but of course, you can make more letters to complete, for example, a name of a boy or girl or a word that you find beautiful or interesting.

Once you make the letters, they are used as gifts or to decorate your home. You can put them on a wall, a door or decorate with them however you want. You can also choose the size to be bigger or smaller depending on your needs.

Materials you need to make the craft

  • 1 carton of size to choose
  • Colored strings (to choose)
  • Zeal
  • Scissors
  • 1 marker pen

How to make the craft

First you will have to draw on the cardboard the letter or letters that you want to decorate with the colored strings. Draw them according to the size that interests you or depending on the size of the cardboard you have to make your decorative letters. Once you have the lines drawn, cut them out with scissors that cut the cardboard well.

Once you have reached this point, you will only have to choose the strings and the color you want to be able to decorate the letters. Cut out the proper size of the string and when you start, put some tape on it before you start wrapping the string around the letter. Whenever necessary, cut the rope and continue with another color if you wish. If you prefer, you can do everything with the same rope and the same color.

Once you finish winding the string around the letter, You just have to tuck the remaining end rope between the bundled rope or add a bit of transparent tape so that it stays securely. You will now have the finished decorative letters that you will all love!

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