How to make a decorative Christmas tree with sticks and cardboard

Christmas tree

In this tutorial I will teach you how to make a decorative christmas tree very economical and modern. You simply need to save a cardboard tube like the one that comes with the aluminum foil, and get yourself some wooden sticks. Let's see how it's done.


To make the decorative christmas tree you will need the following materials:


  • Wood plank
  • Cardboard tube
  • Wooden sticks
  • Cutter or scalpel
  • Pencil
  • White glue for wood
  • Acrylic paint
  • Brushes
  • Small rocks
  • Ruler

Step by step

To make the decorative christmas tree you must start by marking in the wood base where is the center of the rectangle, because that is where the tree trunk will go, which in this case will be the cardboard tube.


Apply white wood glue to the edge of the cardboard tube, and glue it to the center you just marked. Press well so that it adheres properly and does not come off.

paste tube

Enter small stones inside the tube, this will make the tree gain weight and not wobble or fall.


Next, measure with a ruler where you want the branches of the tree to go, in this case it will be the wooden sticks.

mark sticks

Make a hole with a cutter or scalpel where you have made the marks, and if you think it is necessary enter a pencil through the tip to get a rounder hole.

make hole


You can now enter the wood sticks through the holes. If you want some longer than another cut them with a saw. So that they look at it well, it applies White glue in and around the hole and let it dry completely.


When the white glue has dried you can paint the tree. I have used a christmas green for the trunk and branches, and for the base I have applied a metallic color in golden.


paint base

And this is the result.

green Tree

Yes, I know it looks very poor and empty, but like everything Christmas tree worth its salt, must have trimmings. See how it looks now.

Christmas tree

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