Decorative cows with paper pulp

Decorative cows with paper pulp

Now that the children are in school, when they return, homework, work, studies or readings will surely await them so that they can learn many little things and, also, so that their development is taking hold with the age.

However, on weekends, they should not lose much of that habit. In addition, perform Crafts with children is very important in his childhood because, apart from strengthening their imaginative, creative and motor learning, it also fosters family ties.


  • Balloons
  • Diary paper.
  • Scissors.
  • Clay.
  • Foam rubber balls.
  • White glue.
  • Brush.
  • Paintings.


  1. Inflate the balloons to make the bodies of the cows.
  2. Glue strips of newspaper on the balloon, use a mixture of white glue and a little water.
  3. Glue the foam ball, also lined with newspaper, on the body of the cow.
  4. Both legs like horns, we'll make them out of clay. We will mold and shape it, glue it to the cow and let it dry.
  5. Paint the white cows and detail the spots, eyes, muzzle, etc.
  6. To give it more originality you can buy small bells or hats.

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Source - Be parents

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