DIY: Bracelets with eva rubber

Bracelets with eva rubber

The bracelets They are the latest fashion for the Summer, they can be made with materials of all kinds and the style you want. So today we give you another original and practical idea to make beautiful bracelets with a material that is used a lot lately, eva rubber.

Eva rubber is a type of material that is very versatile and can be made multitude of crafts with her. I love this material and it is very practical for the little ones since it is very flexible. We started!


Bracelets with eva rubber

  • Eva rubber of different colors.
  • Scissors.
  • Cutter.
  • Ruler.
  • Pencil.


First of all we must do two strips of 20 x 2 cm. At the ends we will leave a margin of 3 cm and these we will divide into 3 parts. With the help of the cutter, we will make the two incisions lengthwise to cut the main strip in three without reaching the ends.

Then we will do the bracelet anchor cutting two small triangles in one of the ends, bordering it with the scissors. In addition, at the other ends we will make a small and thin rectangle to introduce this anchor and, thus, we can close our bracelet.

Then, we bring the two end strips to the center 3 times and, in the remaining hole, we will introduce the anchoring part of the bracelet. Again, we will introduce this part through the hole that is closest to it and, finally, we will straighten the bracelet well so that it eva rubber is not bent.

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