DIY Easter Bunnies for Kids

Hello everyone! In today's article we will see different ways to make Easter rabbits to do with the little ones in the house ahead of Easter.

Do you want to know what these crafts are?

Easter Bunny Craft #1: Rabbit with cardboard toilet paper roll 1

This fun and easy Easter bunny hiding in the grass is sure to delight anyone.

You can see how to make this craft step by step by following the link below: Cardboard and cardboard rabbit

Easter Bunny Craft #2: Rabbit with cardboard toilet paper roll 2

This simple Easter bunny is perfect to do with the little ones. If we prefer, we can paint the eyes instead of gluing some craft eyes.

You can see how to make this craft step by step by following the link below: Easy cardboard rabbit

Easter Bunny Craft #3: Rabbit with Straw Cleaner

Simple and funny bunny.

You can see how to make this craft step by step by following the link below: Red rabbit with pipe cleaners to make with children

Easter Bunny Craft #4: Origami Rabbit Face

A very simple craft and with which we can start in the world of origami.

You can see how to make this craft step by step by following the link below: Origami Rabbit Face

Easter Bunny Craft #5: Pom Pom Rabbits

A fluffy and beautiful Easter bunny that we can hang, make a key ring or put to decorate on any shelf.

You can see how to make this craft step by step by following the link below: Rabbit with wool pompoms

And ready! What craft did you like the most?

I hope you cheer up and do some of these crafts.

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