From crafts are we are going to show you some Crafts for the so close Father's Day. Children always at this time give laborious things done at school to their parents, therefore, today from here we also give you some ideas.
These crafts further strengthen the affective bond between parents and children. In this way, we will get a smile from the child and a few tears of excitement and enthusiasm for the parents.
Materials and Tools
- White folio.
- Pencil and eraser.
- Black marker.
- Scissors.
- Glue.
- Cardstock of various colors.
- Silk paper.
- Zeal.
- Fine rope.
First, we will conduct a sketch of a doll with a large head and mustache where the body will be this tie so unique that some dads bring them to work or to any family event.
Then we will cut each piece with the scissorsWell, these will be the templates to make our craft for Father's Day.
Then we will pass these stencils on cardstock the color we want. In addition, we will color the face of our particular dad.
Finally, we will glue on the tie small balls of tissue paper and we will join all the pieces by means of zeal. In addition, we will put a small thin rope so that dad can hang the craft in the car or wherever he wants.