DIY: Fofucha body

Fofucha body

The fofuchas dolls have been in fashion for a few years. These dolls made with eva rubber are made on certain occasions or festivities to give as gifts, such as communions, fairs, birthdays, etc. Therefore, this week we will introduce you to the step by step to make one of these fofuchas.

The first thing you have to know how to do to make these fofuchas is the body. This has different parts, which are assembled to perform the solid fofucha wrist structure. When making this structure (body) all that remains is to decorate the doll to give it the desired touch.


Fofucha body

  • Eva rubber of different colors.
  • Fine wire.
  • Skewer.
  • Scissors.
  • Polyspan cone and balls.
  • Pliers.
  • Cutter.
  • Gun and silicone.
  • Griddle.
  • Special glue for eva rubber.


Firstly, we will start with the feet. To do this, we will take one of the polystyrene balls and cut it in half. Later, we will cut a piece of both halves to be able to glue them both with silicone. Then, we will cut out a square of eva rubber in skin color, which we will heat with the iron and then shape it on the balls. In this step you have to exert pressure so that it takes the correct shape, we wait a few seconds for the eva rubber to cool down and release. Finally, we will apply silicone or special glue to stick the eva rubber on the feet. We will let cool and cut the leftovers. We will have to perform this step twice to make a pair of feet.

Then we will do the cabeza. To do this, we will cut out a square in skin color, we will heat it with the iron and we will stretch the eva rubber on the polystyrene ball so that it takes shape. Once the eva rubber has cooled and with the shape of the face, it should cover half of the ball, we will glue with silicone and we will cut the leftovers.

With the other half of the head, we will by the. For this, we will do exactly the same as with the skin-colored eva rubber, but this time the color that we choose that the hair wants, in this case black. Finally, so that the imperfections are not seen, we will cut out a thin rectangle that covers the entire circumference of the head, which we will glue with silicone.

For trunk, we have chosen a cone, in order to save a little work. The color of the eva rubber that we will have to choose will depend on the theme of the fofucha. We just have to make a square that covers the entire surface of the cone and then cut it into the shape of this. We will glue with silicone and let it dry. To correct imperfections, we will glue thin strips of eva rubber to the edges of the joints.

For legs We will cut out a rectangle and a piece of wire that protrudes from both sides of it. We will apply silicones and we wrap until we get a roll. For the arms We will carry out the same procedure, but here we will place a small hand made with eva rubber and close the roller. To finish, we will do the same operation with smaller dimensions to make the cuello.

In this way, we will have all the parts of the body of our fofucha made. All that remains is to do the relevant details and place some accessories (bag, fan, book, etc) to give more originality to the fofucha.

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      Jenny from Los Angeles said

    This very nice crumb I want you to help me because I want to make some fofuchas for my daughter who turns 15 but send me a video step by step please