DIY for children, craft for Father's day

Father's day decoration

Yesterday we left you a craft very cool for Father's day, and we also told you that during these days and until the day comes March 19, Father's Day, We were going to present you some crafts for children as a child, and since the commitment is a debt, here we leave you another unique craft for this special day for parents.

For toddlers, crafts should be simple and easy to do since they have not yet developed their motor skills well. Therefore, for this craft we have used the typical coffee capsules which are now very fashionable to use.

Materials and Tools

Father's day decoration

  • Coffee capsules.
  • Colored folios.
  • Silk paper.
  • Zeal.
  • Glue.


First of all, we must take a coffee capsule conspicuous enough for the decoration. We will squeeze this well with our feet so that it is flat enough.

Then, with the scissors we will cut two small strips of a colored foil (I have chosen blue) and we will glue them to the capsule from the back.

To these strips, we will hit one, others narrower strips of tissue paper, so that they are much more decorated; and to the other, we will put the much announced phrase, 'Best Dad!'.

Finally, we will glue a small and thin rope zealously so that dad hangs the craft where he can always see it.

Father's day decoration

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