When the Easter or Easter Endless traditional recipes are made at home, such as torrijas or waking soup. But, in addition, many typical crafts are made such as Easter eggs. Some decorated eggs to our liking to amuse the children.
Therefore, today we show you how are these eggs emptied, since before decorating them we have to empty the interior. We will leave you the decoration of these Easter eggs in later articles.
- Fresh eggs
- Needle.
- Water.
- Soap.
To empty these eggs for Easter, we will have to perform two holes at its ends with the help of the needle. You will have to be careful not to put too much pressure on the egg because it will break. In addition, we will remove the needle inside the egg so that the yolk explodes.
Then we will shake with force over one of the holes so that all the egg inside comes out. Then, we will wash the interior under the tap of water and a little soap. We will let it dry for 24 hours.