DIY: Indian house with coffee filter

Indian booth

At this time of year children get used to taking them to summer camps so that they can socialize with other children and, also, so that they learn to be autonomous and responsible. In this type of learning, children carry out different activities in which respecting the environment and learning about other cultures are paramount.

Therefore, a very simple and very good manuality for the smallest of the house, is this house or house of Indians. Made with materials from around the house, we can promote the tolerance towards other cultures in children, not making distinctions between races or sexes, only in traditions.


Indian booth

  • Coffee filter.
  • 4 skewer sticks.
  • White glue.
  • Colored pencils.
  • Cork.
  • Wool.
  • Scissors.


First, we will cut out a cork square the same size as the opening of the coffee filter. Then we'll let the kids decorate this one. Then, we will nail the 4 toothpicks in the 4 corners of the cork and applying a little white glue for greater fixation.

Next we will make an opening in the filter to introduce them through the upper part of the toothpicks and we will tie these with a little wool. Finally, we will make a small opening in front to be the door of entrance of the house.

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