DIY: Maracas with coffee capsules

Maracas with coffee capsules

La the little ones love music of the house, of this, is a great potential that we must instill from a very young age since it facilitates body movement and rhythm. In addition, it greatly favors their hearing ability, making them concentrate more.

Therefore, depending on the age, we must make our own instruments of auditory stimulation to encourage it. So, today we prepare some fun maracas simple made with a few simple coffee capsules by way of recycling them.



  • Disposable coffee capsules.
  • Rice.
  • Glue gun.
  • Silicone.


First, we will remove the adhesive sticker from the coffee capsules and we will clean its interior well. Then, we will fill one with rice halfway and we will apply a thin strip of silicone on the edge. Then, we will glue the other capsule on top and apply pressure so that it sticks well. We will let it dry and that's it.

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