In today's DIY we will see 3 book points for Valentine's Day. Three different heart shapes used to mark the page of the book that you will love, perfect to give away or make for yourself if you like to read.
Let's go with the step by step.
- Clips
- Glue.
- Cardboard.
- Decorated paper.
- Pencil.
- Scissors.
- Silicone.
1: Book point
- Part of a cardstock about 15 × 15 centimeters.
- Fold in half and then draw two half hearts, As seen in the image.
- Cut off the biggest heart entirely, but the little one leaves the upper part uncut.
- Mark the outline of the small heart on the decorated paper and cut by the marked silhouette.
- Sticking this one over the other, as you see in the image.
- You can place it on the sheet. Isn't it nice?
2: Book point:
- uses a office clip, it can be the size you want.
- Bend at the center at a ninety degree angle. You can help yourself with pliers or do it by hand.
- Put in this way on the sheet, it will simulate a heart.
3: Book point:
- For this book point you need three hearts, two equal and one smaller than these. Draw with a pencil and cut with the scissors.
- Glue the small heart on one of the big ones. I have added a pearl, but you can put a bow or whatever you can think of to decorate.
- put a point of silicone in the heart and paste the clip, (as seen in the image, if you put it all over, the clip will not fit well on the sheet)
- Fill in the rest with hot silicone, without reaching the narrowest part of the heart.
- Place the other side of the heart right away.
- And ready! you can use it to mark the page of your book.