Hello everybody! In today's craft we bring you how make a puzzle in the shape of a dog. It is a perfect way to spend an entertaining afternoon, you can make the pieces between the different members of the family, move them all together in a bowl and start to assemble the puzzle.
Do you want to know how you can do it?
Materials that we will need to make our puzzle in the shape of a dog
- Roll of toilet paper
- Stick glue or other cardstock glue
- Red card
- Colored threads
- Scissors
Hands on craft
- We divide and we cut the toilet paper roll cardboard into nine parts. Two of these parts will remain as a closed circle, the rest we will open.
- The two closed circles will be the base of the dog. We will give them the following form:
- We take one of the open sections and we will put them together in the following way and we will put glue on them so that they remain fixed. Will be The legs of the dog.
- For front legs, we are going to make similar to the previous form, but we will separate the figure into two parts, one much larger than the previous one. We will crush the small part.
- Ears We will make them with two more sections, but this time we will glue the ends outwards.
- For snout we are going to glue the ends of a section in the following way:
- For tail we are going to fold and glue another section as shown in the photograph below:
- Y finally we will do the details of the head. We will cut the tongue out of red cardboard and with the threads we will make balls for the eyes and the truffle. We can add other details such as a necklace, a scarf, etc. We will glue these details to the corresponding pieces.
And ready! We can now start to make this dog puzzle. We just have to separate the different pieces and put them back together.
I hope you cheer up and do this craft.