Doll's cradle with ice cream sticks

Doll's cradle with ice cream sticks

The crafts with sticks they are all wonderful. Incredible things can be done and we have already done our wooden furniture and it turned out to be very successful. Now we will have one cradle for dolls, A cute idea and something your kids will love. It can be a participatory craft, so that the children can help to do it, they will surely be encouraged and try many more ideas. You have a demonstration video so you don't miss how to do it with full guarantee.

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The materials that have been used for the doll's cradle:

  • 2 long (18 cm) bundles of wooden sticks.
  • Hot silicone and his gun.
  • Scissors.
  • Pencil.
  • A piece of pink string.
  • A decorative ribbon with beige pompoms.
  • A piece of decorative fabric.

You can see this craft step by step in the following video:

First step:

We cut 8 sticks with 9 centimeters long, they do not have to have rounded ends. We place them in a row and cut two again 13 cm sticks. We will cut these two sticks along the sticks so that the structure sticks.

Doll's cradle with ice cream sticks

Second step:

We cut 2 sticks of 9 cm without rounded corners and we glue them edgewise to the narrow sides of the structure. (You can see more closely how they look in the photo above) We take 2 whole sticks and we glue them on the edge on the wide sides of the crib.

Third step:

Cut 10 8 cm sticks with one of its rounded sides. they will make crib bars They are to be placed on the sides of the crib, where we will first place a whole stick in the corners of each crib. We paste all the sticks separately, on all the edges of the crib and all at the same height. The longest sticks will make the legs of the cradle, which we will cut to a considered measure.

Doll's cradle with ice cream sticks

Fourth step:

We catch 2 whole sticks and we glue them inside the bars, so they are much better attached. we cut 2 sticks of 8 cm and we stick them inside the cradle, holding the sticks on the narrow sides of the cradle.

Doll's cradle with ice cream sticks

Fifth step:

We paste with silicone the decorative ribbon with pompoms. We will place it in the lower part of the crib and all around it.

Doll's cradle with ice cream sticks

Step Six:

We make a pretty bow with the pink rope. We glue it in the central part of the crib. We fold the decorative fabric and we put her in the crib.

Doll's cradle with ice cream sticks

Doll's cradle with ice cream sticks

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