If you need a frame to hang photos, a place to put notes, or just as decoration, and you don't want to get too complicated, but you want a good result, this craft is for you! Let's make an easel out of colored ice cream sticks, perfect to frame your memories or to write down reminders so you don't get lost!
So let's get on with it, and I'll show you how I did it, so you can do the same too. Let us begin!
- Colored ice cream sticks
- Scissors
- White glue for wood
- We catch 3 ice cream sticks (3 for each color), and we glue them with white glue as seen in the first image.
- Next, by the lower edge of the stick that we have placed horizontally, we apply glue in the corners. There We hook a 4th pole perpendicular, which we will let dry, being the most delicate of all.
- Once dry, we cut a couple of pieces of each respective color, which We will put them crosswise From behind. You can see the exact site in the third image.
- For the cross section that we have glued, we cut a thin strip of the popsicle stick that we have cut out. We stick it on the top. Its function will be as a fulcrum.
- Finally we cut part of the tip of an ice cream stick that We will stick as the third foot of the trestle. It will be supported by that thin strip that we have just placed.
And this is the result! I took the opportunity to place a postcard and a few postits that I use so often. Once again, the popsicle sticks, proving they have so many uses and applications. And that they are super quick crafts to do!
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