Very easy Christmas card to make with children

With new technologies, the custom of sending Christmas cards, which I loved as a child. In this post I am going to teach you how to make a very easy card so that your congratulations this year is super beautiful and personal.

Materials to make the Christmas card

  • Colored cards
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Colored eva rubber
  • Eva rubber punches
  • Permanent markers

Procedure for making the Christmas card

  • To start you need to trim two cardboard rectangles with the following measurements: 16 x 20 and 14 x 18 cm.
  • You also have to trim 4 rectangles with the following measurements: 7 x 14, 6x 14, 5 x 14 and 4 x 14 cm
  • Cut the edge of the white cardstock from wavy shape however you want, it does not matter that it is perfect.

  • Go pasting the different layers of snow, starting with the largest and placing the smallest on top.
  • Once the four layers have been glued, a floor full of snow must be left at various heights.

  • To decorate the landscape of our card I am going to do some little pines with my tree drill.
  • I have used green foam rubber, but you can make them white if you want.
  • With brown marker I'm going to draw the trunks of the pines and then I'll glue the green part on top.
  • To form the large pine I am going to cut out all these pieces.

  • Forming the pine is very easy, you just have to glue the triangles from smallest to largest.
  • Afterwards, I will glue the trunk which will be made of brown eva rubber.
  • Next I will place the pine on the bottom of the card.
  • With colored markers I'm going to do some balls that will decorate the leaves.

  • I will fill the sky with snowflakes as if it were snowing with the help of my hole punch.
  • Once the base of the card is ready I will stick it on top of the dark blue one.

And so we have an easy and original card in a few minutes to surprise someone and wish them all their dreams come true on these special dates.

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