Cupcakes very easy crafts for children

cupcakes crafts

Muffins or cupcakes They are a dessert that in recent years have given much to talk about. We can find thousands of designs and flavors. I have wanted to apply this fashion to crafts creating this very decorative mini version for any project we have in mind about cooking or pastry.

Materials to make the cupcakes

  • Big and small colored pompoms
  • Mini cupcake pods
  • Eva rubber flowers
  • Hot glue or silicone

Preparation of mini cupcakes

  • Place the eva rubber flower on the base to be able to place the mini cupcake capsule on top.
  • Glue it to the flower to prevent it from moving.
  • Then insert the pompom and glue it on. You can shape it with your hands to make it even rounder.
  • To finish, glue the small pom pom on top as the icing on the cupcake.

cupcakes crafts

You can play with the colors and designs, you could also put colored shavings on it using eva rubber. I have left them flat, but you can create different ones.

cupcakes crafts

You can use them to decorate a children's birthday table or any project that has to do with crafts and sweets. They are very elegant and precious on a candy table for a birthday or any party.

I hope you liked it, if you do, do not forget to send me a photo through any of my social networks.

See you on the next idea.


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