Easy superhero with craft sticks and cardstock

Hello everybody! In today's craft we are going to make this simple superhero with craft sticks and cardboard. Not only is it easy to do, but it can also be personalized by choosing the colors and even the letter to spend an entertaining time with the little ones in the house.

Do you want to see how you can do it?

Materials that we will need to make our superhero

  • Craft sticks
  • Cardstock to make the cape
  • Color marker that sticks with the cardboard. It does not have to be the same color.
  • Glue to stick cardboard and wood (glue, hot silicone, etc.)

Hands on craft

  1. We are going to start preparing all the materials to make our superhero.
  2. Once we are clear about the colors that we are going to use, we will start painting a mask for the eyes of our superhero. We will add a small bow as a nose, and a smile, which can be straight like the one we have drawn or rounded .. at your choice. If you want to give a more special touch, you can add some craft eyes around which to paint the mask.
  3. We add the letter "S" of superhero or the letter that we like, it can be that of a name that we put to the superhero or our own initial.

  1. Let cut out a cardboard triangle to make the cape. Ideally, the triangle should be smaller than the length of the craft stick, but you can make it a little larger if you want.

  1. Let glue the cape to the craft stick, We will put the beginning of the cape above the letter that we have painted, in what would be the superhero's neck.

And ready! We already know how to make this superhero, now we just have to customize yours and start playing.

I hope you cheer up and do this craft.

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