Easy way to close candy bags

Easy way to close candy bags

Hello everyone! We are in the month of Halloween so we propose a easy way to close candy bags. We are also going to reuse the wires from tea bags, sliced ​​bread bags and the like, so don't throw them away. This option is also great for gifts at weddings, baptisms or any event, since we can put almost any detail inside the bag.

Do you want to see how you can do it?

Materials that we are going to need to close our candy bags

Materials bag

  • Bag, it can be made of paper, plastic, transparent, with drawings... whatever we want
  • Wire tea bags or sliced ​​bread. These wires can also be bought and cut to the size we want, but if we have the option of reusing materials, much better.

Hands on craft

  1. We fill the bag of candies and put it on a flat surface.
  2. We fold the two ends from the open part of the bag to the inside.

Easy way to close bags

  1. We turn the bag without the folds moving.
  2. We stretch the wire well and put it on the top of the bag, where we want to close it.

  1. We grab the bag and the wire well and we go around. Two or three laps is enough but we can do a few more if we want the bag to look a little smaller.

Easy way to close bags

  1. We bend the ends of the wire back, towards the part of the bag opposite to where we have been making the folds.
  2. We check that it is well closed.

close bag

And ready! We already have an easy, economical way that reuses materials to close the bags well. You can experiment with different materials in the bags and see what effects are created in the end. Once you have a result that you like, all you have to do is repeat it as many times as you want.

I hope you are encouraged and do this craft.

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