Hello everybody! In today's craft we are going to make an elephant with rolls of toilet paperIt is very easy to do and therefore great to do with the little ones in the house.
Do you want to know how you can do it?
Materials that we will need to make our elephant
- Two cartons of toilet paper rolls, you can also use one of kitchen paper cut in half to obtain two tubes.
- Black marker
- Eyes of crafts (optional) if you do not have you can paint the eyes with the marker
- Scissors
- Glue
Hands on craft
- The first step is cut one of the cartons in half to open it and have a cardboard surface on which to make the elements of the elephant.
- In this carton we are going to draw two ears, to which we will draw a flap to be able to pay them later. And also a horn.
- We cut out all the elements and reserve them.
- We take the other cardboard roll and go cut four squares at one end to form the legs of our elephant.
- We fold the flaps of the ears and the trunk and glue them to the body at a height that we like. We press well to make sure they stick and wait a bit before continuing to avoid what we have glued to fall off. You can also do the next step first and then glue the ears and the trunk, whichever is more comfortable for you.
- Just left put a face to our elephant, For this we will use the marker and, if you have and want to use them, eyes for crafts. Put on a big smile.
And ready! We have already made our elephant, if you prefer you can paint it in colors, put some more ornament like a hat ... whatever you can think of.
I hope you cheer up and do this craft. And remember, these days stay home.