How to make homemade erasers or erasers - Donuts and cupcakes

In this tutorial I teach you to do erasers o erasers homemade, so you can make them yourself and with readily available materials. In this way you can create many different figures to use as erasers. And they really work!


To do the erasers o erasers homemade you will need the following materials:

  • General silicone
  • Wheat
  • Container
  • Acrylic paint
  • Chopsticks
  • Polo sticks
  • Modeling tools such as a knife or awl

Step by step

El elaboration process of the dough to make the erasers is always the same, what varies is the modeling of the figures. But in this tutorial I will also teach you to create a donut or with a cupcake that you sure like.

In the next video-tutorial you can see the Step by Step So much of the mix to make the erasers as of the figures that I have created so that you can also do them. As you have seen, it is very easyYou do not even have to follow exact amounts, but you can correct flour, silicone or paint as many times as you want. The important thing is that you have a dough as if it were any modeling paste.

Let's go over the followed to follow so that you do not forget anything and can do the erasers yourself:

  1. Pour some silicone into a container.
  2. Pour some acrylic paint of the color you want into the same container.
  3. Mix them well with a spatula or pole stick.
  4. Now pour in a little flour and continue mixing.
  5. Mix in more flour if necessary, until the mixture stops sticking to the bowl.
  6. Keep kneading with your hands.
Related article:
Stamps with erasers

Remember that you must make a mixture and then create the shape you want. Do not make all the mixtures of your figure and then go creating it, since the silicone hardens with enough speed and in a few minutes you will no longer be able to mold it.

You will have some erasers o erasers unique, original and personalized. Make the figures that you like the most and enjoy them.

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      nathaya oreiro said

    I loved this super nice and it is very and I practice to do it and now instead of buying it for the school I am going to make it myself
    just one more query
    What else can I use instead of silicone?