Pincushion book with felt

Pincushion book

The pincushion they are usually a very successful gift for him Mother's Day since these are the ones that we sew most of our clothes. With this unique gift made with your own hands it will be a success for your mothers.

In this way, moms can have all their needles and other sewing items neatly arranged inside a beautiful book made with felt cloth.


  • Felt of different colors.
  • Buttons.
  • Threads of different colors.
  • Scissors.


  1. Cut a felt rectangle of the length we want to make the book.
  2. Cut a piece of felt into U shape to make the enclosure.
  3. Place the button and sew the strip to the lid.
  4. To make them inside pages, cut more rectangles 1 cm less than the lid.

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