How to make a reindeer out of Fimo or polymer clay

clay reindeer

In this tutorial I'm going to teach you to model the head of a funny man Fimo reindeer or polymer clay, perfect to hang on Christmas tree, to stick on a greeting card, or for decorate any corner of the house.


To make the Fimo reindeer or polymer clay you will need this material in the following colors:

  • Light brown
  • Dark brown
  • RED
  • Blanco
  • Black

Step by step

Let's start modeling the Fimo or clay reindeer creating the base, which is the cabeza, and then add all your details.

  1. Make a ball of light brown color.
  2. Roll it with the palm of your hand on one side to create an egg shape.


To make the snout.

  1. With a knife, mark a line through the thick part.
  2. That will be the line that goes from the nose to the mouth.
  3. With an awl, make a hole where the line ends.
  4. This is how you will create the mouth.


To make the nose.

  1. Make a red ball, if you want to roll it to lengthen it a bit.
  2. Paste it at the beginning of the line that you made in the previous steps.
  3. Glue a white line on the side of the nose to simulate shine.


Let's now do the eyes.

  1. Create two small white balls.
  2. Roll them back and forth to stretch them.
  3. Crush them.
  4. Glue them on one side.


  1. Glue the eyes to the face.
  2. Glue on them two black balls to make the pupils.


  1. Also make two black lines.
  2. Glue them over the eyes to make the eyebrows.


To make them ears.

  1. Create two small balls of light brown.
  2. Roll the balls on one side to create two drops.
  3. Crush the drops.
  4. With the knife, mark a line through these drops.


  1. Glue the ears onto the head.

glue ears

Finally, we are going to do the horns.

  1. Create two darker brown balls.
  2. Stretch them by rolling back and forth.
  3. Mark horizontal lines with the knife.
  4. Glue the horns by bending them slightly so that they are arched.


And you will have your reindeer ready to decorate in Christmas. This is the result.


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