Fish hat for Carnival

Carnival hat

Just two weeks before the great contest of carnival groups begins, or better known as, the COAC or Cádiz CarnivalToday we show you how to make a hat for Carnival, a typical party where everyone carnival dresses up.

During these weeks crafts are will show you some Carnival-related crafts. In this way, you can attend this event as a whole carnavaler @.


  • Large cards.
  • Pencil and eraser.
  • Striking colored waxes.
  • Glue.
  • Scissors.
  • Elastic rubber or cord.


  1. Perform two sketch of a fish huge on two cardstock, they must be the same.
  2. Paint it with waxes bright colors.
  3. Cut out each piece of the fish: mouth, body, tail and fins.
  4. Paste the two sketches by the part of the tail, the mouth and the upper fin, leaving the hole for the head.
  5. Lastly, glue the fins to the fish. You can also give it varnish so that I have some shine.

More information - Funny carnival glasses

Source - Children's crafts

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