The scraps of fabric They are very practical elements for making crafts. With these you can do a multitude of new and useful things to be able to use them again and also to redecorate any type of object old or worn.
Therefore, we present these funny fish made with fabric scraps. It can be a practical craft for older children, although they should be very careful when sewing. In this way, we promote bond of attachment in the family.
- Scraps of fabric.
- Buttons.
- Scissors.
- Hilo.
- Needle.
- Cotton or wadding.
- Paper and pencil.
- Small piece of felt.
- Perform template of the fish on a sheet of paper: body, head, fins, scales and heart.
- Trim the body in three parts: one will be the head that will have an oval shape, another will be the central part of the body that will be a rectangle about 2 cm wide and, finally, the tail that will have the shape of wings.
- Trim a little heart in felt fabric.
- Pass the templates to the remnants of screen.
- Join the scales to the tail part.
- Place the rectangle and head next to scales.
- Join the fins to this structure.
- Fill with wadding the fins and sew on the head.
- Trim and sew another whole body part of our fish.
- Join the two pieces, fill with wadding and sew.
- Lastly, sew on buttons and heart to the fish.