Floral decoration of a wicker basket

Wicker basket decoration with aluminum flowers

On this day, I fully enter a world that fascinates me, crafts. Making objects or make ideas With your own hands is something that excites me and fills me with satisfaction, so from today I begin to collaborate with this wonderful team to contribute endless crafts to share with you.

To start I bring you this floral decoration for any wicker basket that you have at home. The flowers are made of aluminum, so they will last us longer than the ones we find in the field. So, it is a good way to recycle both the cans from home and any old basket that we have and we want to give it a more sophisticated touch.


  • Aluminum beverage cans.
  • Scissors.
  • Acrylic paint.
  • Brush.
  • Zeal.
  • Flower-shaped hole punch.
  • Wire.
  • Glue for metal (silicone).


First, we will open completely with scissors and very carefully the drink cans. Once the can is opened, with a flower-shaped hole punch, we will cut several flowers, always making the most of the material.

Wicker basket decoration with aluminum flowers

Then, once you have all the desired aluminum flowers for the wicker basket, the we will paint a uniform color (white would be a good option), so that it is easier for us to apply the other colors. For these flowers, the leaves have been brushed to give it a looser and not overdone touch.

Wicker basket decoration with aluminum flowers

Then, we will glue the flowers two by two with silicone, thus we will achieve a relief effect. In addition, we will tape a piece of wire from behind, as long as possible to later facilitate tying to the wicker basket.

Wicker basket decoration with aluminum flowers

Lastly, we will string the wire Between the gaps that exist in the wicker basket, we will give it a few turns so that it is well fixed and we will cut the excess.

I hope you liked this craft and put it into practice. It is a very fun activity to share with the girls to decorate your own bicycle baskets.

More information - Baskets made from plastic bottles

Source - World handicrafts

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