Fox-shaped bookmarks

Fox-shaped bookmarks

If you like crafts with animal shapes, here we propose these bookmark so you can make for yourself and place in your favorite books. Or so you can make and give away along with a book. They are a perfect idea and have a very funny image made in the shape of a fox. You will see how quick and easy they are to make.

The materials I have used for a fox:

  • A4 size light brown cardstock.
  • Dark brown cardstock.
  • White cardboard.
  • White glue.
  • Pencil.
  • Ruler.
  • Black marker.

You can see this craft step by step in the following video:

First step:

We take the light brown cardboard and configure it so that it is a perfect square. In other words, all its sides have to measure the same. And we cut it out.

Fox-shaped bookmarks

Second step:

We lay out the square in the shape of a rhombus and bend the bottom corner up. The corners that have been formed on the right and left are also folded up again.

Third step:

We unfold the piece. We take the corner of one of the layers and fold it down.

Fourth step:

Of the piece that is formed: the right and left corners we fold up.

Fifth step:

Two corners will form above. We take one and bend it down, but obliquely. We do the same with the other corner.

Step Six:

We fold what we have folded again, but upwards, making the ears.

Seventh step:

We place the figure on a brown cardboard to be able to cut out a triangle in the same way as the upper part of the fox. We will also place the figure on the white cardboard to make some curved strips that will be glued later on the sides of the face.

Eighth step:

We glue the brown triangle, the curved lines and make two white triangles that we will glue on the fox's ears. Finally with the black marker we draw the nose and the two eyes.

Fox-shaped bookmarks

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