Funny clowns to decorate your pens

Funny clowns with eva rubber

In this craft that I present to you today, we are going to decorate our favorite pens. In this way, we give it a very chic look to waver a bit in class. This craft is somewhat complex, so it must be done in the company of an adult, and by slightly older children who have a lot of dexterity in their hands.

The clowns are always very eye-catching, so your pen will shine among all the others. Your clown made with rubber foam will become your best ally and classmate.

Materials and Tools

  • Eva rubber in various colors.
  • Pens.
  • Pencil.
  • Eraser.
  • Scissors.
  • Special glue to stick eva rubber.
  • Polyspan ball.


In the first place, we should poke the ball of pan to the pen so that it is completely fixed. For the Tsar, we will cut out a square large enough to cover the entire possible surface of the polystyrene. With an indelible marker we will paint the eyes and also, we will cut out a white eva rubber mouth and a small red circle for the nose.

Funny clowns with eva rubber

For body, we will use a rectangle, which we will roll up and stick with the special glue for eva rubber. Then, we will make small circles to be the buttons of the clown's costume. In addition, for arms, we will use another rectangle somewhat smaller than the one on the body, but we will glue this in the shape of a drop, and then we will glue the cuffs of the shirt, which are also two small rectangles glued in the same way, with two circles to do the job. of twins. Regarding the handsWe just have to cut out two pieces with this shape and glue them inside the cuff.

Funny clowns with eva rubber

On the other hand, we will carry out the clown hairs. We will cut small rectangles, which we will cut strips without reaching the end; then we will roll it up and glue them together, and then adhere them to the clown's head. In particular, before gluing I like to pin it to see how it looks. For him hat, we will cut out a circle and a rectangle, the latter we will roll it up and glue it to the base of the circle, in addition, we will glue small circles to decorate them.

Finally, we will make you a little bow tie, typical of clown. To do this, we will cut out a small rectangle, to which we will cut the upper part in a point, then, we will cut a thin strip so that it looks like the knot.

Clever! our fantastic clown is finished, Now it doesn't look like a pen, does it?. What you should be very careful with with this craft, since the eva rubber is very fragile, and at any time it can break, and take off the pieces.

More information - Foami or eva rubber doll, special for girls

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