funny paper ice creams

funny paper ice creams

This craft is one of the fun and entertaining ideas For this summer. It has a theme that you like, with colors that can range from the most vivid to pastels. It is made with simple boxes, although you can get a little involved when doing the ends.

If it is difficult for you to do it, we have a demonstration video where you will not have any problem to do it easily. These ice creams They are made in the shape of boxes, so you can fill them with candies or personal items. cheer up! It's a fabulous idea for kids.

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The materials that have been used for two paper ice creams:

  • Colored paper, either strong colors or pastel tones. In this craft we have used 2 yellow A4, 2 blue A4, 1 pink A4.
  • White glue.
  • Hot silicone glue and its silicone.
  • Black marker.
  • Pink marker.
  • White marking pen or acrylic.
  • 2 ice cream sticks.
  • Pencil.
  • Ruler.
  • Scissors.

You can see this manual step by step in the following video: 

First step:

We measure the A4 sheet to be able to make a perfect square. In the craft, one of the sides is measured and measures 21 cm. Then we mark the other side at 21 cm and cut.

funny paper ice creams

Second step:

We place the square in front. We mark the middle of the square with a pencil. We fold the two ends towards the center of the square.

Then we fold back to the center again.

funny paper ice creams

Third step:

We stand at one of the narrow ends. We take a corner and fold it towards the center and unfold it. We take the other corner and fold it back to the center and unfold it. Now we take that part that has been folded and fold it up and unfold it.

Fourth step:

We rotate the piece and place ourselves at the other end of the piece. We make the folds again, with the same steps as in point 3.

Fifth step:

We unfold the sides or longer sides. We only unfolded one of the laps. Then we take the entire structure of the other ends and try to fold them to form the box. We can glue the folded parts with hot silicone or glue.

Step Six:

We fold a sheet of another color to wrap the ice cream box. We wrap, fold and glue with hot silicone so that it sticks quickly. If the wrapper is not very marked, we can highlight it on the sides so that the shape of the box is made.

Seventh step:

funny paper ice creams

We glue the stick on the back of the box at the beginning.

Eighth step:

We take the remaining parts and draw some slingshots to stick them in the ice cream. We draw, cut and glue them.

Nineth step:

funny paper ice creams

With the markers we paint the eyes, the mouth and the blushes. We can look at the photos. Finally we can fill the boxes with what we like best. They are a fabulous and fresh idea for this summer!

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