These pirates are the perfect idea to make personal gifts at an event or party. You will only need a few wooden sticks, black cardboard and some chocolate coins to be part of that so special gift for kids. It is an easy craft that can be worked with the little ones, but with great care so as not to be damaged by the heat of the silicone. You also have a demonstration video to see it step by step.
The materials I have used for the two pirates:
- 10 wooden sticks
- Black cardboard
- 2 large eyes for crafts
- Black marker
- Red marker
- White Tipex or white marker pen
- Pencil
- Ruler
- Scissors
- Chocolate coins
- Hot silicone and her gun
You can see this craft step by step in the following video:
First step:
We take four sticks and place them together and aligned. We cut another stick in half and use it to be able to join the other 4 sticks. We will use the silicone to be able to stick it and we will use a piece of each stick at each end of the sticks.
Second step:
We place the black cardboard on top of the sticks to be able to make measurements and try to make a large black strip about 2 cm high. We make and cut 2 strips. We place the strip on top of the cardboard and recreate with a compass the circular shape of the top of the hat. To make the circular shape more pointed, we will draw the sides of the circle in a more closed way and we will cut out two figures.
Third step:
We glue the parts of the hat that we have cut out of the black cards. We will place the plastic eye on one side of the face and with the pencil we will draw the patch of the other eye, the strips of the patch, nose and mouth.
Fourth step:
The black marker We mark and draw the parts that are in black and that we have painted with the pen: the eye patch and the nose. We go over the mouth with the red marker.
Fifth step:
We take the Chocolate coins and we stick them with the silicone in the lower part of the pirate's face. We take the white marker or tipex and in the upper part of the hat we will draw the shape of the skull with the bones.
Step Six:
We draw with a pencil arms on black cardboard. We cut them out and fit them around the coins with the feeling of hugging them. We stick it with the hot silicone.