Funny wool doll

Funny wool doll

If you like endearing crafts, we offer you this wonderful figure made with a lot of wool and a very striking color. You just have to create a lot of threads and then tie them and form the doll. With other cardboard cutouts, eyes and pipe cleaners we will finish forming this little animal, so you can decorate any corner of the house.

The materials that I have used for the wool dolls:

  • A not very large skein of pink yarn.
  • A rule.
  • Scissors.
  • Scissors with cut round shapes.
  • Large decorative eyes.
  • A white piece of pipe cleaner.
  • Thick decorative paper in two different shades.
  • A piece of foil.
  • A pen.
  • Hot silicone glue and its gun

You can see this craft step by step in the following video:

First step:

We measure up to 30 cm one of the wool ropes and cut it. We cut a few and “many” of the same length and until we form a skein.

Second step:

We fold the skein by the measure and with our hand we try to make a ball by the folded end. We tie this collected ball shape with a piece of wool. We turn the doll and try to place all the wool down, we comb it a little with the two of the hand.

Third step:

We take all the hanging end of the yarn and cut it with the scissors so that there is a straight cut.

Funny wool doll

Fourth step

We place the entire structure of the doll on one of the decorative papers and try to draw the base freehand with a pen. They will be the feet and they will have a wide shape. Then we cut them with decorative scissors.

Funny wool doll

Fifth step:

With a fine hole punch we make some holes on the edges of the foot structure. Then with the hot silicone we stick the wool doll next to the feet.

Step Six:

We glue the eyes with the silicone. We take two cut pieces of white pipe cleaners. We also stick it with silicone.

Funny wool doll

Seventh step:

Take a piece of paper and fold it. In the area where it is folded we draw half a heart and cut it out. In this way, when we unfold the paper, we will have a perfect heart. We take the heart and use it as a template. We will take it on top of the decorative paper and draw its contours to form two equal hearts. We cut them out.

Eighth step:

Take the two cut out hearts and glue them to the pipe cleaner horns. Then we adjust the doll much better, we straighten it and comb it, and we will have it ready.

Funny wool doll

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