Today's craft recreates the furniture that we wanted to play with the dolls. It is a small furniture that you can make with ice cream sticks and in a quick way you can make something occasional, to include with the toys of the little ones.
In this craft we will make two chairs and a table. Although there is only one chair in the tutorial, you know that in the end you can make whatever you need. We will also make a very original hammock so that the dolls can relax. Try to do it, children will love to play with these occasional furniture.
The materials that I have used for this craft are:
- wooden sticks or popsicle sticks
- a rectangular stick about 4mm thick and about 60cm long
- A piece of cloth
- hot glue gun with silicones
- pencil to mark
- trimmer scissors
- a rule
You can see this craft step by step in the following video:
To make the table:
First step:
We unite 9 suits in a row in parallel form. We are going to unify them well with two other sticks that we will place and glue transversely. We take good care that the clubs are well unified, without moving or getting out of adjustment. We take three sticks, we will place two of them in the shape of a cross and one of them will unify them at the top, we will always join it with the hot silicone. This structure will be the one that makes the legs of the table.
Second step:
We take and join another stick in parallel, to the other that was placed transversely in the X. We make two equal structures. The way to do it like this will be so that it gives us a good support, to be able to stick it under the surface of the table that we had made.
To make the hammock:
First step:
We catch two sticks and we place them in an X shape. We don't open their blades too wide because they have to make the soft shape of the hammock. We glue them in their central part with the silicone. We cut 4 sticks of the squares about 6 cm long and glue them on each of the ends of the ice cream sticks. We have to join the two X-shaped structures at the end to form the hammock.
Second step:
We have to measure the proportions of the hammock to place a piece of fabric. Choose a piece of fabric and with a pencil mark the size you need, you have to leave a piece much longer than you need, because it has to fall downwards. You cut it out and place it on the structure, sticking it with the hot silicone.
To make the chair:
First step:
We cut five sticks of about 6,5cm long. They are the ones that will make the slats of the chair seat. We put them all in a row and put a stick next to it. We have to take the measurement so that we can place them at the bottom of the chair, that does have to be at least 2cm more. We cut 4 equal sticks. To make the legs we take other 6cm long of other suits. We will cut 4 sticks, leaving a rounded part at one end and at the other it must be cut obliquely.
Second step:
We place one of the long sticks and glue it along the 5 slats of the seat. We have to let these sticks protrude 1 cm in front and another one behind. We place its legs and so that the whole set is well fixed we put another of the sticks holding everything.
Third step:
We cut two sticks of 10cm long, to act as backup. We glued them behind the chair and between the sticks that we had left sticking out. It only remains to cut two pieces of stick 6,5cm long and place them on the backrest.