Travel Games Crafts

travel games

Hello everyone! In today's article we bring you different crafts to make and take during our trips, whatever the means in which we travel.

Do you want to know what these game crafts are?

Craft number 1: Fishing game

Fishing game for kids

It is perfect for traveling because on the one hand it is magnetized and on the other hand it takes up very little space to carry it and surely we can entertain ourselves for a while seeing who catches the most fish.

You can see how to make this craft step by step by following the link below: Fishing game for kids

Craft number 2: Tell me a story

storytelling game

The good thing about games like this is that both those who travel and the one who drives (in the case of going with our own transport) can participate. Since it is about telling stories taking into account the chips that appear to us. In addition, everyone will be able to enjoy the imagination of their fellow travelers.

You can see how to make this craft step by step by following the link below: Game «Tell me a story»

Craft number 3: Three-in-a-row game with eva rubber

Three in a row

A classic if ever there was. On this occasion, it is made of eva rubber, which makes it easy for it to weigh little, not to break, and if we lose a piece, we can easily make another one.

You can see how to make this craft step by step by following the link below: Match XNUMX game with thick Eva rubber

Craft number 4: Tetris with egg cartons

Tetris game with cardboard or egg cups

Here we have another classic. On this occasion, made from recycled materials and with a perfect shape so that the pieces do not move during the trip.

You can see how to make this craft step by step by following the link below: Tetris game with cardboard or egg cups

And ready! We can already prepare the suitcases, the games and go in search of adventures while we enjoy every moment.

I hope you cheer up and do some of these crafts.

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