Who's Who Game personalized

Who's Who Custom

There is a mythical game that I love that is the who is who. A game by which you would guess who was the person you were looking for through the details and characteristics of the card itself. But, have you imagined having a similar game with your family?

That is, make one with your own hands and make it personalized with each member of your family. In this way, it will be a unique and real game, very fun for all children and adults who want to spend an entertaining afternoon full of laughter.


  • Plywood.
  • Wooden rectangles.
  • Hinges and screws.
  • Zeal.
  • Glue.
  • Painting.
  • Wooden dowel.
  • Bag.
  • Thick card stock


  1. Look for the faces of the family members and print them on the cardboard. Make 2 copies.
  2. With a copy We cut it to be the ones on the board and with the second it will be the one we will guess with.
  3. Measure all rectangles on the plywood base and trim.
  4. Paint each rectangle and let dry.
  5. Stick with cell the photo in each wooden rectangle, and join this to the board with the hinges.
  6. On the edge of the board stick a wooden dowel double to place the token to guess.

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