Garland for Halloween

bat (830x466)

Hello again! How its goes the week? Fantastically sure. We, at craftsON, We continue looking for the best and cheapest solutions for Halloween decoration. With a little imagination and materials to recycle or very cheap, we can get a fantastic decoration for the scariest night of the year.

In this post, we bring you one wreath What can we do with any type of paper?l. You will surely love it.


  1. Paper of any kind, in this post, I used a piece of crepe paper that I had at home and it turned out to be fantastic.
  2. The pair of scissors. 
  3. Un pen.


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We will take a piece of paper one meter long or more (we can butt pieces with zeal) and we will fold doing zig zag and each of the folds of the same size. That is, we will be folding to the right and left alternately until we have the entire piece of paper folded.

Then we will take a pen and draw what we want the garland to have. In this case, we have opted for bats. We will draw half of the bat to one side, and half of the bat to the other side so that the center of the paper joins two wings of the bat. We can also do it by drawing some pumpkins or anything else typical of Halloween (or we can also reuse it in other parties by making garlands with other themes).

Next we will cut out the shape of the halves of the bats with all the folded paper. Once cut out, we will unfold the paper and check how the bats in the garland have been.

Finally, we will only have to choose the ideal place to hang our garland.

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We read each other in the following tutorial to learn more and better ways to do it yourself. And as always, if you liked it, share, comment and give the like.

Until the next DIY!

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