Geometric figures with pole sticks

This craft is suitable for children who are working on geometric shapes at school. Because in addition to doing the craft and feeling entertained they will find that they know much more about geometric figures than they bargained for.

The craft is very simple and although we have only made a geometric figure, following the same steps that we will tell you below, you can make all the figures you want.

Materials you will need

  • Round pole sticks (as many as edges have the geometric figure)
  • Clay

How to make the craft

First you will have to think about the geometric figure that you will want to make with the children, you can choose several, it does not only have to be one. Before doing the craft, so that the children have easier when it comes to doing it, the ideal is that you draw the geometric figure that you want to make and that you count all the edges it has and the vertices. In the same drawing you can point out everything, Thus, it will be easier for children to do the craft and at the same time reinforce their knowledge of geometric figures.

Once you have reached this point, when you have everything well drawn, you will only have to make it come true with the popsicle sticks and the plasticine. To do this, shape the geometric figure you have chosen just by copying the shape by joining the sticks and putting the plasticine in each corner forming the vertices as you see below.

It is important that you put enough plasticine because in this way the pole sticks will be able to hold without falling due to the weight of the figure. The polo sticks can all be the same color or, as you see in the image, are of a different color to that is a much more visual effect. Children will be delighted to reproduce the geometric figures they have dedicated to creating!

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