Hello everybody! In today's article we are going to give you several ideas to make boxes or packages in which to wrap our gifts. This is a perfect way to give gifts that, in addition to being very beautiful, will be useful since it can be stored to be used as a box and therefore complements the gift.
Do you want to know what are the ideas for gift boxes?
Gift Box Idea Number 1: Clay Pot Decorated
Following the model of this boat, a multitude of decorations can be made. This will allow us to customize our packaging depending on who we are going to give it to.
You can see how to make this gift wrapping idea, step by step, in the following link: Pot decorated with clay to make gifts
Gift Box Idea Number 2: Funny Clown Shaped Bag
A fun bag for colorful gift wrapping.
You can see how to make this gift wrapping idea, step by step, in the following link: Fun gift wrapping bag
Gift Box Idea Number 3: Gift Box Recycling Cans
A beautiful idea, although more elaborate than others that you will see here. It will give the gift a very special touch.
You can see how to make this gift wrapping idea, step by step, in the following link: How to recycle tin cans to make gift boxes
Gift Box Idea Number 4: Cardstock Boxes
Finally, here are three simple ideas to make with materials that we all have at home in a simple way or that we can get at any stationery store.
You can see how to make this gift wrapping idea, step by step, in the following link: Three ways to make gift boxes
And ready! You already have several very booty and original ideas to wrap our gifts.
I hope you cheer up and do some of these crafts.