Father's Day Gift Mug

Hello everybody! In today's craft we are going to see how to decorate a mug in an original way to give it away on Father's Day.

Do you want to know how you can do it?

Materials that we will need to make our decorated mug

  • Mug, preferably white, but any mug can be great, especially if it is one that has a message on one of its faces.
  • Black cardboard or black eva rubber. The important thing is that it is black or dark. The eva rubber is more recommended since it supports movements better.
  • Double-sided zeal.
  • Scissors.
  • Pencil.

Hands on craft.

  1. The first thing of all is to have the mug that we want you to make as a gift. A good idea is also to put something that our father likes into the cup, it can be chocolates, candies, cookies, chocolate or anything that we can enjoy with him and a cup of chocolate, milk or etc. The idea is that the gift is for our father but that it includes spending a moment with him while it is used. What's more, you can give him two decorated mugs so that the gift is more obvious.
  2. We take the cardboard or the eva rubber of the color that we have chosen and go to draw with the pencil a mustache and a top hat. We cut out the figures that we have drawn.

  1. Now let's stick the mustache and hat on the mug, for this we are going to use double-sided tape. In this way it will be easier to remove the decoration to use the cup and at the same time it will not break the decoration if you want to keep it. We can also wrap the mug in clear wrapping paper.

And ready! We already have a good idea to decorate a mug and prepare it to give it away on Father's Day.

I hope you cheer up and do this craft.

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