Blood-eyed coasters to decorate Halloween

rubber coasters eva halloween

The coasters They are decorative elements that have a thousand shapes and styles. As we are with the theme of Halloween, in this post I am going to propose this full of Bloody eyes on which to support your drinks. Your guests are sure to be surprised.

Materials to make the Halloween coaster

  • A CD
  • Colored eva rubber
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Cardboard
  • Permanent markers
  • Pinking scissors

The process of making the Halloween coaster

  • With the help of the cd cut a circle out of the cardboard. I have used one from a cereal box.
  • Do the same with a piece of rubber eva negra, you will have two circles, one cardboard and one black.

rubber coasters eva halloween

  • With the two size circle punches, pierce around the eva rubber black the eyes you want your coaster to have. I have used two sizes to make it more varied.
  • With white eva rubber make the circles to insert them into the holes that we have made in black eva rubber. They have to match perfectly.

rubber coasters eva halloween

  • Glue this set onto the cardboard circle that we had cut at the beginning.
  • With permanent markers we are going to start draw the eyes. First we will do the color part, I have used green, blue and brown.
  • With black marker, color the pupil of each eye.

rubber coasters eva halloween

  • Now I am going to give you some details with a red marker that will be the nerves of our bloody eyes.
  • With a white marker or acrylic paint I'm going to give you some sparkles in the eyes to make them more realistic.
  • To finish our work, I have trimmed another circle a little bigger to create an edge to the black circle and I have cut it with the pinking scissors so that it remains with that drawing, but if you do not have it, you can cut it smooth or as you like.

rubber coasters eva halloween

And that's how our bloody eyes coaster is finished to decorate your Halloween party. I hope you liked it, if you do, do not forget to send me a photo through any of my social networks.

rubber coasters eva halloween

See you on the next idea.


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