Ghost candy for Halloween


Good morning, we continue with the theme "Hallowera", and it is that there are only a few days until Halloween arrives, so we have to put the batteries! Today I bring you a very fun and easy craft to give to the children when they come home: some ghost sweets !!!

Trick or treat !!! Here are some ghost sweets for Halloween that you will surely love !!! Let's go with the step by step ...


These are the materials that we will need to make our sweets.

  • Cardboard rusts, toilet paper.
  • folios.
  • Glue.
  • Candies.
  • Silk paper.
  • Black marker.
  • Scissors.
  • Pencil.
  • Candy or sweets.



  • We cut the folio in half.
  • We draw a ghost face making sure that it fits us in the cardboard rust.
  • We review the drawing with a marker black.

Note: If we want to make many sweets, we can draw two faces on a sheet of paper and make photocopies, to have a few.


  • We apply glue on the edge of the paper and line the cardboard roll. Closing the end with more glue.
  • We will bend inward by the two ends of the cardboard rust.


  • We will cut a rectangle of orange tissue paper, in this case, you could also put the color black. We will introduce the candies or gummies that we want for the children.
  • We will fold the four corners together Holding them with your hand and we will introduce them into the cardboard roll, having the candy box ready! We do not need to tie them, because children do not have patience and what they want is sweets.


Children will surely be surprised if you wait for them with a few sweet ghosts who are waiting for you, gg.


I hope you liked them, as you can see they are very simple to do and are very funny. If you do, I will be delighted to see them on any of my social networks. And if you like crafts, share and like it. We'll see you in the next Halloween craft!

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