Halloween ghosts with gauze

Halloween ghost

Next Friday we enter the most anticipated night in the world, the witches night or halloween. From a time to here is typical to celebrate this party all over the world being actually originally from Ireland, but a has spread to a great extent.

In fact, children love it and they all like to dress up and order treats from house to house. Plus, homemade crafts like this are also fun for them when they make very cold or it rains and they cannot leave the house.


Halloween ghost

  • Scissors.
  • Maera stick.
  • Gauze.
  • Eat black eva.
  • Polyspan ball or egg.
  • Glue glue.


Firstly, we will puncture the wooden stick on the polystyrene ball until reaching the middle, never go through it since the little ones could get pricked with this tip.

Then, we will apply some drops of glue glue on the ball of polystyrene and we will place a gauze horizontally on top of it.

Then, we continue applying and placing the gauze so that the ball is completely covered. In addition, we will take all the tips and pull down so that the glue adheres more and thus give it the typical ghost shape

Finally, we will do the Terrifying mouth and eyes with black eva rubber, in order to be much more scary when we teach it to someone.

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